By: Sto n Sho
Time Required: 1 hour (approximately)
Skill Level: Beginner - No mechanical experience is required to perform this installation.
Mustang 2018-2021 GT
Show off your Ford Mustang's beautiful bumper with a STO N SHO™ quick release front license plate bracket!
Never get a ticket for not having a front license plate again! Simply STO your front license plate when you want to SHO the beauty of your modern muscle, high performance or luxury car. Then slip your license plate back on when you're ready to roll.
Big Mike’s Performance Parts’ STO N SHO™ is a patented two-piece quick release front license plate bracket consisting of a front license plate holder and a base mounting plate
This Big Mike’s Performance Parts’ STO N SHO™ requires 1 hole to be drilled on the underside of the vehicle for installation. This hole is not visible, and in no way, detracts from the look of your car.
Show off your Ford Mustang's beautiful bumper with a STO N SHO™ quick release front license plate! Never get a ticket for not having a front license... View full product details
If your denomination is not under the dropdown menu, feel free to call our store at 905-693-1817 to order any amount you'd like. View full product details
Provides the right tool for the job Allows for access to the shock or strut shaft Ensures shocks and struts are torqued properly Steeda likes... View full product details
Mount your SCT X4 to the windshield, for ease of viewing while in gauge mode. View full product details