By: FuelTech
Peak and Hold PRO Injector Driver is an advanced module designed to control low impedance injectors at a professional level, featuring 8 channels, 26-way automotive connector and several motor protections levels in case an injector or connection fails.
In general, racing high-flow injectors use low impedance internal coils (with less than 7 Ohms resistance). That allows them to have a much shorter response time than a high impedance injector.
These lower impedance coils require a current control, starting with a higher current at opening stage (peak) and lower current when opened (hold), otherwise the injector can quickly warm up and burn.
With PRO Injector Driver it is possible to apply a higher initial current, allowing quick opening of the injector and then reduce the current to, in general, 1⁄4 the peak current.
Therefore, reducing injector’s deadtime (time between the injector gets energized and effectively sprays fuel).
4x WB-O2 Nano Harness. Install 4 Nanos with ease! View full product details
Alcohol O2 - Dual Channel harness.Harness comes pre-wired for 2 O2 Sensors Length: 8ft View full product details
Downloads For use with the lab grade NTK sensors. If you do not have that specific sensor then check out our WB-O2 Nano. CAN... View full product details
BoostController2 harness.No of ways: 24 Length: 3m (9.8ft) View full product details